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Enjoy a restful sleep with an aromatherapeutic Laneige Water Sleeping Mask, and wake up to vibrant moisturized complexion!

The water Sleeping Mask is exclusively used as an overnight skincare product to optimize the condition of the skin for the following morning, as if the skin itself had a good night sleep!

Our skin loses a lot of moisture overnight, and the Sleeping Mask helps to lock the moisture in the skin overnight leaving it looking radiant the next morning.

The lightweight gel Mask gives your skin a good rest by providing a refreshing and moisturizing feel to the skin without leaving any sticky residue.

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100% imported items.
Original from Korea.


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LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask 70ml

RM115.00 Regular Price
RM99.00Sale Price
  • In the PM, apply a generous amount on the face. You can use this in place of after your regular moisturizer if your skin is feeling particularly dry. Massage gently to promote absorption. Remember to gently rinse off in the morning. Use once or twice a week. 

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